Why No Health or Fitness Journey is the Same. Hutton Health

Why No Health or Fitness Journey is the Same

6th July 2024

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I know the feeling; I look around the gym, or I look at the competitors around me at a running event and wonder how they got where they are.

  • What does their training plan look like to allow them to run as quickly as they do?
  • What are they eating to look the way they do?
  • What are they doing that I should be doing to look or perform like them?

Comparison is such a common thief of joy, celebration, and happiness in health and fitness our journeys. Regardless of where we are at in our individual journey, we are faced with other people who may be closer to reaching our goal than we are.

As cliché as it sounds, resisting the urge to compare your progress or journey with someone else can be the ticket to a more successful and positive journey.

I continually remind myself and my clients that no 2 bodies are the same, and no 2 fitness and health journeys will be the same. I like to say, ‘Life is Lifey’ – and lifey looks different for each person.

Here are 10 reasons why no 2 health or fitness journeys are the same

1. Genetics:

Genetic makeup affects how individuals respond to diet and exercise. This includes muscle growth, fat loss, metabolism rate, and even food preferences.

Genetics significantly influence how your body responds to exercise and nutrition, affecting everything from muscle development to metabolic rate. It's important to respect the role genetics play in your fitness journey, as acknowledging these factors can help set realistic goals and create a more personalized and effective plan.

Why no 2 health or fitness journeys are the same

2. Lifestyle:

Daily habits, work schedules, sleep patterns, and stress levels vary widely and impact fitness outcomes.

Often we have lifestyle factors that influence our daily activity levels. For example, when I moved house, I lost about 6,000 steps each day because I moved closer to my son’s school, so our walk to and from school each day became much shorter.

Shortly after moving, I also changed careers, where I am now generally home based and spend hours each day on video calls. If I haven’t prioritised moving my body and scheduled a movement break in my day, it can get to 5:00 when I’m logging off and I have naturally logged less than 2,000 steps over the course of the day.

Mixing these factors into my lifestyle have had a huge impact on my exercise levels. Your lifestyle factors will never match someone else’s, so it is unfair to expect the same results from one exercise session or training plan without considering the many elements that impact your lifestyle.

Why no 2 fitness or health journeys are the same

3. Starting Point:

People start their fitness journeys from different levels of fitness, health conditions, and body compositions.

Someone who has trained for years will respond differently to a programme than a person who doesn’t have the same foundation.

My fitness levels have varied over the years, from a competitive varsity swimmer to a beginner runner, to prenatal fitness, and everything in between.

Starting a different sport or activity brings back the beginner in me, and if I were to compare my ability in the exercise to a well-practiced and experienced veteran, it would put me off participating again. Focusing instead on my own experience allows me to find enjoyment and appreciate my own successes.


4. Goals:

Personal fitness goals (e.g., weight loss, muscle gain, endurance) influence the type and intensity of the fitness program.

My fitness and health goals have changed over the years depending on the stage of my life I have been at. I have moved from athletic performance to exercising for my mental health, to a post-partum journey, and the goals that I have set at every stage of my life has had to match where I am at.  

Personal fitness and health goals change and ensuring your focus on where you are at will allow you to set a goal that aligns with your current stage in life and fitness level rather than chasing someone else’s dream.

Download Hutton Health’s free goal setting workbook.

5. Diet:

Individual dietary preferences, restrictions, and nutritional knowledge play a significant role in fitness results.

It doesn’t matter how much you exercise, if you aren’t fuelling your body well, it will be difficult to reach and sustain your fitness and health goals.

Different bodies respond to nutritional choices in unique ways due to individual variations in metabolism, hormone levels, and genetic predispositions.

6. Medical History:

Past injuries, chronic conditions, and overall health status affect the type and extent of exercise one can safely perform.


7. Motivation:

Levels of motivation and the reasons behind pursuing fitness can vary, impacting consistency and effort.

I know if I haven’t been sleeping well or have had a few stressful days, my motivation to exercise starts to dwindle. These are the times when I reach for convenient food rather than cooking from scratch, sacrificing nutritional quality and balance.

It's natural for motivation to exercise to ebb and flow based on what's happening in life at the moment, as stress, busy schedules, and personal commitments can all impact our enthusiasm. Recognising these fluctuations can help us approach fitness with a more flexible and compassionate mindset rather than comparing your motivation and commitment to someone whose life may be very different to yours.

8. Support System:

Having a supportive environment or community can significantly affect progress and adherence to a fitness plan.

There are incredible benefits to having an accountability partner or coach.

When I am determined to learn or grow in life, I look for help; a business coach to help shape my visions, a running coach to help me achieve a performance goal, a trainer when I look to upskill my knowledge in any area.

Finding a support system that works for you will help keep you on track.

9. Access to Resources:

Availability of gyms, fitness equipment, and professional guidance can vary greatly.

You CAN get fit and healthy from the comfort of your home with little to no equipment! Hutton Health offers 4 online workouts each week and includes a supportive group of women in a community embarking on their health and fitness journey as part of the monthly membership.

10. Adaptability:

Some individuals may be more responsive to changes in their fitness routine than others.

            Individual responses to exercise vary due to differences in genetic makeup, muscle fiber composition, and metabolic efficiency. These factors influence how quickly and effectively a person                can build muscle, burn fat, and improve overall fitness.

Every health and fitness journey is unique due to individual differences in genetics, personal goals, and lifestyle factors. What works for one person may not work for another, highlighting the importance of personalised approaches and self-awareness.

Embracing this individuality allows for more sustainable and fulfilling progress in your health and fitness endeavours. Resist the temptation to compare your image, performance, commitment or journey to others to allow yourself to celebrate your own journey.

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