How to Create and Sustain Healthy Habits. Hutton Health

How to Create and Sustain Healthy Habits

22nd September 2024

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Starting a fitness, health, and weight loss journey is often perceived as a daunting task, filled with challenges and uncertainties. It is common to look at the end goal of what your ideal lifestyle would look like, rather than the tiny steps you can take each day to make progress toward your ultimate goal.

Amidst the variety of fad diets, quick fixes, and ever-changing exercise trends, one fundamental truth remains constant: the importance of embedding healthy habits into your daily routine.

Your daily habits and routines serve as the basis of a successful journey toward achieving your fitness and weight loss goals, providing a foundation upon which to build sustainable progress and lasting transformation.

In today's fast-paced world, where demands on our time and attention seem endless, cultivating healthy habits is not merely a choice but a necessity. These habits encompass a range of behaviours, including everything from dietary choices and exercise routines to stress management techniques and sleep hygiene practices.

By integrating these habits into our daily lives, we not only optimise our physical health but also enhance our mental wellbeing, vitality, and overall quality of life.

The journey toward fitness, health, and weight loss is not a sprint but a marathon, requiring patience, perseverance, and commitment. It is through the consistent practice of healthy habits that we lay the groundwork for sustainable progress and long-term success.

Rather than focusing solely on short-term results or temporary fixes, we must prioritise instilling habits that support our health and wellbeing, both in the present moment and for years to come.

How to Embed Healthy Habits into Your Daily Routine

"One of the best ways to build a new habit is to identify a current habit you already do each day and then stack your new behaviour on top. This is called habit stacking." - James Clear

When you have better habits, you get better results and increase your chances of holding onto those results.

The habit stacking formula is a simple framework for incorporating new habits into your daily routine. It consists of two parts:

Existing Habit: Identify a habit that you already do regularly as part of your daily routine. This could be anything from brushing your teeth in the morning to making your bed after waking up.

New Habit: Decide on the new habit you want to adopt and link it to the existing habit. This could be something related to health, productivity, or personal development.

Once you've identified both the existing habit and the new habit, you can use the formula:

"After/Before [EXISTING HABIT], I will [NEW HABIT]."

By associating the new habit with something you already do automatically, you leverage the power of existing routines to make it easier to adopt and maintain the new behaviour. This increases the likelihood of success in building the desired habit over time.


I have been determined to increase my water intake. Coffee is a non-negotiable for me in the morning; it’s one of my favourite indulgences!

To encourage myself to drink more water, my habit stacking formula looks like:

✅ Before I drink a cup of coffee, I will have a glass of water.

Since shifting to working mainly from home, I struggle to fit in my steps each day. To ensure I fit movement into my day, I use this habit stack:

✅ Before starting my work each day, I will schedule my movement break as a non-negotiable meeting in my diary.

How to Embed Healthy Habits into Your Daily Routine

3 Tips for creating healthy habits that stick:

Start Small and Simple:

Begin with tiny, manageable habits that are easy to incorporate into your daily routine. For example, if you want to start flossing, stack it with brushing your teeth, a habit you already do regularly. This makes it easier to remember and perform the new habit.

Pair New Habits with Established Ones:

Identify habits you already do consistently and attach new, healthy habits to them. For instance, if you drink coffee every morning, use that time to take a daily vitamin or do a quick breathing exercise. The existing habit will serve as a trigger for the new one.

Be Consistent and Patient:

Consistency is key in habit stacking. Commit to your new habit stack for at least a month to give it time to become a natural part of your routine. Track your progress and celebrate small victories to stay motivated and reinforce the positive behaviour.

3 Tips for creating healthy habits that stick:

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