5 Ways to Increase your Energy. Hutton Health

5 Ways to Increase your Energy

1st February 2021

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There are some days when you wake up feeling energized, and there are days when no amount of coffee has the power to inspire you.

Life has its ups and downs, so it is not uncommon for energy levels to dip from time to time. Learning some different strategies for getting through those fatigued days can help.

Here are some suggestions to maximise your energy:

1. Move your Body

Energy comes from movement. You can make amazing things happen to your mind and body through exercise.

I believe that exercise and movement are the cure for many ailments and a key to feeling healthy and strong in your body and in your mind. Movement has many benefits to your mental and physical health.

Building a habit of daily movement is essential for both our body and our mind. Exercising on a regular basis will improve your energy levels and improve your health.

Treat yourself to exercise clothing that fits well, is comfortable and makes you feel great. Good workout clothing can transform your confidence and motivation to exercise.

Sweaty Betty has some great options for fun exercise clothing that is comfortable to wear, sweat wicking and doesn't move when you sweat!


Exercise not only changes your body. It changes your mind, your attitude, your mood

2. Feed your body well

The type of food you eat plays a key role in your energy levels.

Having your meals and shopping lists planned in advance can make it easier to fuel your body well. This will enable you to stick with your nutrition plan because you won't be stressed at dinner time or when hunger strikes during the day.

Download Hutton Health's free Meal Planner to help you prepare for a successful week of healthy eating!

Eat the rainbow as frequently as possible. This means eating fruits and vegetables of different colours every day.

Plants contain different pigments and different phytonutrients to give them their colours. Different-coloured plants contain higher levels of certain nutrients and provide health benefits.

Mindful eating can help you build a better relationship with the food that you eat and can have a positive effect on your energy levels and health.

Rather than mindlessly reaching for the packet of biscuits or buying the muffin to go with our coffee, if we make mindful choices about our meals and snacks, we will feel more satisfied, fuller for a longer period, and over time it becomes easier to maintain a healthier diet.

Find out  more about mindful eating in this blog.

Mindful Eating for happier and healthier eating habits

3. Prioritise sleep

Sleep deprivation can impair your cognitive function, negatively affect your mental health, and impede weight loss.

A lack of sleep could even leave you susceptible to infection, as a sound sleep boosts your immune system. 7-9 hours of sleep each night is generally recommended for adults.

This YogaSleep machine allows you to create a personalised sleeping environment to promote quality sleep.

Strategies to encourage a better night’s sleep include:

· Sleeping and waking up at the same time each day, even on the weekend, helps to maintain your body's circadian rhythm, which regulates organ function. Sticking to a sleeping pattern will help you to fall asleep more easily when bedtime rolls around.

· A nightcap may help you fall asleep faster, but it can negatively affect the quality of your sleep.

· Avoid caffeine in the evening. Caffeine can stay in your system for up to 9 hours, so too much during the day may cause you to stay up at night.

· Almost all electronic devices (smart phones, iPads, Laptops, etc.) emit a blue light. This artificial Blue light caused by electronic screens causes your body to produce more Cortisol, which can disrupt your sleep patterns. Try to avoid screen time for 60 minutes before bed.

Find out more about 'Quick Tips for Quality Sleep'.

Quick tips for quality sleep; eat well, routine, positive environment, control your caffeine, limit fluids before bed, limit screens before bed

4. Stress Management

Everyday life is filled with a great deal of pressure and stress owing to competing priorities and urgent to-dos.

Stress may not only lead to exhaustion, but it could weaken your immune system and make you susceptible to illness. Learning how to manage and reduce stress will boost your energy levels and allow you to perform mental and physical tasks more effectively.

How stress can affect your health; digesting problems, reproductive problems, heart disease, upper respiratory illness, weight, anxiety

5. Increase your water intake

Water helps to lubricate joints, aids in digestion, delivers Oxygen in the body, boosts skin health and beauty as well as a host of other benefits to our body.

Keith Ayoob, author of The Uncle Sam Diet states, "Sometimes, even slight dehydration can leave you feeling tired and lethargic".

Find out more about the health benefits of drinking water. 

I am currently loving this Hydrate jug! The large design can help you reach your recommended water intake each day!


Many of the tools listed above can also be used for self-care. When you take care of yourself and your overall health, you will have the energy to handle your responsibilities, challenges and tasks.

Prioritising your self-care enables you to be your best you. In order to give your best to other people in your professional or personal life, you need to take care of yourself first. Find out more about the healing power of self care and rest in this blog.

Self-care is important for your mind and body. It is a key aspect of living a healthy and happy lifestyle.

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