Why New Years Resolutions don’t work and what you should do instead!. Hutton Health

Why New Years Resolutions don’t work and what you should do instead!

27th December 2022

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Every year people around the world make New Years Resolutions; to lose weight, to stop smoking, to have more time for family and friends. These resolutions are typically drastic changes that are based on what you think you SHOULD be doing rather than what you REALLY want to do.

New Years Resolutions aren’t always the best way to improve the quality of your life as you enter the new year. A large portion of resolutions are health based, but unfortunately a large percentage of people have stopped following their New Years resolutions by February.

I fit in to the statistic of failed resolutions, often forgetting the resolution that I had made shortly into the New Year!

Here are 5 Reasons New Years Resolutions Don’t Work

  1. New Years resolutions are often drastic changes that you are expecting yourself to make overnight. Sustainable lifestyle, fitness and weight loss changes take time. A successful health journey is made up of many small changes, actions and steps. 
  2. Resolutions are based on what you THINK you should do rather than what you REALLY want to do. Successful changes to your lifestyle, health and fitness require a strong WHY to help you maintain your motivation and a strong commitment to the goal that you have set. If you are merely making a resolution based on what you THINK you should do, it is unlikely that you will stick to the changes and make a lasting change. 
  3. New Years resolutions become a source of stress. Drastic New Years resolutions such as ‘I will stop smoking’, ‘I will lose 10 pounds’, ‘I won’t drink wine during the week’, can feel restrictive and a source of punishment and suffering. A successful health, fitness and weight loss goal needs to also be a source of enjoyment and joy. 
  4. Self-doubt. If you set yourself a New Years resolution that you have made before, you may not believe in your ability to achieve your goal. Your mind may focus on your previous failed attempts, so you are expected to fail once again, and ready to accept your path to ‘failure’. Your self-doubt provides you with permission not to commit to achieving your New Years resolution.
  5. New Years Resolutions can be too vague. If you set yourself a general New Years resolution such as ‘I will drink less alcohol’ or ‘I will exercise more’, the vagueness of your goal can make it difficult to achieve.      
5 reasons New Years Resolutions don't work

Download Hutton Health’s free goal setting workbook for a guide on successful goal setting.

Steering away from drastic New Years resolutions and instead starting the new year with clear health, fitness and weight loss goals can be a recipe for success. 

Tips to make your resolutions and goals successful:

1. Set goals and New Years resolutions that are personally relevant to you.


2. Write down the small steps you will take to achieve your resolutions and goals


3. Focus on small daily actions. These all add together to make big change!


4. Be specific about what you want to achieve and ensure you can measure your success.


5. Connect a strong WHY to your goals and resolutions.


6. Share your New Years resolutions or goals with family/friend or a coach. Having an accountability partner can help keep you on track to achieving your goals.


7. Find enjoyment in the journey and actions that you will take to achieving your resolutions or goals. 

Tips to make resolutions and goals successful

New Years Resolutions can leave you feeling deflated and overwhelmed at an already exhausting time of year. The great news is that the year has 364 other days that are perfect for setting smaller goals and taking action to make positive changes to your lifestyle!

Download Hutton Health’s free goal setting workbook for a guide on successful goal setting.

not all goals are created equally

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