Blog. Hutton Health


6 Desk Stretches for Improved Posture and Wellbeing
17th October 2023

With a busy work schedule, taking a few moments to stretch at your desk can help keep niggles at bay.

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Mental health benefits of exercise for women over 40
13th October 2023

Here are some of the specific mental health advantages of regular exercise for women over 40.

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9 Easy things to do today to increase your fitness and health
10th June 2023

Here are 9 things to do today to increase your fitness and health.

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5 Reasons to Improve your Body Image
21st September 2023

Here are 5 reasons to build a positive body image

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7 Myths about being in the best shape of your life
18th September 2023

People often reach for quick fixes in the quest to be in the ‘best shape’ of their life. Here are 7 myths about your 'best shape'.

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Nutrition Myths that may sabotage your health or weight loss journey
12th September 2023

Here are some common nutrition myths that may sabotage your health or weight loss journey:

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Morning habits for a healthier lifestyle
1st September 2023

A good morning routine can transform your day and improve both your physical and mental health.

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3 Ways to Supercharge Your Brain Power Through Exercise
30th September 2023

You know exercise is good for your physical health, but did you know it’s also good for your brain?

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Why is it important to eat fruits and vegetables in your diet?
25th August 2023

There are numerous health benefits to eating a diet full of fruits and vegetables.

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